API Call

External </br> Make an API Call </br>



Input Parameters

Name Type Description
Method <font color='#9b59b6'>String</font> HTTP method as string e.g: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. If not specified, will default to GET
Url <font color='#9b59b6'>String</font> The Url of the Request
Headers <font color='#3498db'>Object</font> The headers of the request, see below for an example
Body <font color='#3498db'>Any</font> The body of the request (Use Object for JSON).

Example Headers

  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  "Authorization": "Bearer MYBEARERTOKEN"


Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Data <font color='#f1c40f'>Any</font> The Data returned from the API Call
Status Code <font color='#1abc9c'>Number</font> Status Code issued in response to the request
Error <font color='#f1c40f'>Any</font> The error if the API Call is not successful


Output Execution Pins

Name Description
On Completion Executed if the API Call succeeds
On Error Executed if the API Call does not succeed


Additional Details

Executing locally can often result in CORS issues as it is your browser executing the request. For more details on why your requests are failing see your developer console 'F12'. If you experience CORS issues you may find our 'Cloud Execution' option helpful.